Jamaica Stool
Pepe Cortés / Amat - 1990
Barcelona Lounge Chair
Mies Van der Rohe / Knoll - 1929
Barcelona Ottoman
Mies Van der Rohe / MYC Gavina - c. 1970
Iroko Chair
c. 1960
Steel and Wicker Armchair
c. 1960
Silla Tonneau
Pierre Guariche / Steiner - 1954
Palma Armchair
Carlos Picardo / Darro - 1959
Pair of Pine and Leather Chairs
c. 1960
Oak Side Chair
c. 1940
Chromed Tube and Canvas Armchair
c. 1970
Beech and fabric armchairs
c. 1970
S-501-B Lounge Chair
Valeri Corberó - 1967
Melaina Lounge Chair
Rodolfo Bonetto / Driade - 1970
Set of Six Black Thonet style Chairs mod. 811
Josef Hoffman - C. 1920
Pair of Wooden, Steel and Skay Armchairs
Francesc Barceló / Muebles JAM - c. 1960
Tulip Swivel Chair
Eero Saarinen - 1957
Tartera Rocking Chair
Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - 1966
Upholstered Pine Small Benches
c. 1960
Set of Four Lily Dining Chairs
Arne Jacobsen / Fritz Hansen - 1960
Lounge Chair and Ottoman model P103
Osvaldo Borsani / Tecno - c. 1960
Giardinetto Stool
Miguel Milá / Gres - 1965
Scandinavian Style Lounge Chair
C. 1960
Pair of Pine Upholstered Armchairs
Joaquim Belsa Aldea / Aresta - 1961
Pair of Pine and Rush Low Chairs
C. 1960
Set of Eight Reno Dining Chairs
Federico Correa & Alfonso Milá / Gres - 1961
Gaudi Chair
Vico Magistretti / Artemide - c. 1960
Wood and Rush Stool
C. 1960
Carimate Table and Dining Chairs
Vico Magistretti - 1959
Pozzi set of six chairs
Pozzi - c. 1970
Juego de seis sillas de caña y hierro
At. Alejandro de la Sota - c. 1950
Wood and Leather Armchair
At. Angel Pazmiño / Muebles de Estilo - c. 1970
Set of Three Pine Chairs
Jordi Casablancas / Muebles Casablancas - C. 1960
Selene Chair
Vico Magistretti / Artemide - 1968
Pair of Pine Upholstered Armchairs
Joaquim Belsa Aldea / Aresta - 1961
Pair of Joker Lounge Chairs
Olivier Mourgue / Airborne - c. 1960
Pair of Aran Dining Chairs
Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - C. 1960
Upholstered Iron Stool
c. 1960
Pair of Diamond Lounge Chairs
Harry Bertoia - C. 1950
Curved Wooden Chair With Cane Seat
Vicente García Miralles - c. 1960
Pair of Iron and Wicker Loungers
c. 1970
Tuman Lounge Chair
Pep Bonet / BD Ediciones - 1968
Pair of Upholstered Oak Armchairs
Jordi Casablancas / Mobles Casablancas - c. 1960
Pair of Fiberglass Chairs
c. 1970
Modus Swivel Chair
Osvaldo Borsani / Tecno - c. 1970
Oak Large Bench
C. 1970
Set of Four Wicker Chairs
C. 1970
Pair of Pine chairs
Jordi Casablancas / Muebles Casablancas - C. 1960
Set of Six Billar Chairs
Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - 1961
Tropical Lounge Chairs
Hermanos Vidal - 1960
Pair of Beech Chairs
Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - C. 1970
Set of Six Pine Chairs
Joaquim Belsa / Aresta - c. 1970
Stools Mod. 60
Alvar Aalto / BD Ediciones - c. 1980
NY Folding Chair
Takeshi Nii - 1958
Set of Pine and Rope Chairs
C. 1960
Set of Six Casala Chairs
Karl Nothelfer / Casala - c. 1960
Pine and Rush Chairs mod. 186
Joaquim Belsa Aldea / Aresta - 1961
Dúplex Stool
Javier Mariscal / BD Ediciones - 1980
Pair of Walnut Armchairs
Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - c. 1960
Upholstered Pedralbes Chairs
Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - 1961
Spaghetti 101 Children's Chair
Giandomenico Belotti / Alias - 1970
Set of four Oak Chairs
C. 1960
Low Beech Lounge Chairs
C. 1960
Benjamin Stools
Lisa Norinder / Ikea - C. 1990
Wood and Iron Stool
C. 1960
Wood Bench
Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - C. 1960
Pair of Pine Armchairs
Joaquim Belsa Aldea / Aresta - C. 1960
Set of Formica Table and Chairs
C. 1960
White Upholstered Lounge Chair
At. Pierre Guariche - C. 1960
Torres Clavé Armchair
Josep Torres Clavé - 1934
Pair of Folding Chairs
C. 1970
Wood and Iron Stool
C. 1960
Iron and Beech Stool
C. 1960
Beech Stool
C. 1960
Chromed Iron and Synthetic Leather Lounge Chair
Sistemas AF - C. 1960
Pair of Markelius Chairs
Sven Markelius - C. 1930
Set of Eight Oak and Rush Chairs
C. 1960
Set of Reno Chairs
Federico Correa & Alfonso Milá / Gres - 1961
Pair of Pine chairs
Jordi Casablancas / Muebles Casablancas - C. 1960
Set of Six Aresta Dining Chairs
Joaquim Belsa Aldea / Aresta - 1961
Pair of Santina Dining Chairs
Carlo Santi / MYC-Gavina - 1972