Jamaica StoolJamaica Stool

Jamaica Stool

Pepe Cortés / Amat - 1990

Barcelona Lounge ChairBarcelona Lounge Chair

Barcelona Lounge Chair

Mies Van der Rohe / Knoll - 1929

Barcelona OttomanBarcelona Ottoman

Barcelona Ottoman

Mies Van der Rohe / MYC Gavina - c. 1970

Iroko ChairIroko Chair

Iroko Chair

c. 1960

S-501-B Lounge ChairS-501-B Lounge Chair

S-501-B Lounge Chair

Valeri Corberó - 1967

Melaina Lounge ChairMelaina Lounge Chair

Melaina Lounge Chair

Rodolfo Bonetto / Driade - 1970

Tulip Swivel ChairTulip Swivel Chair

Tulip Swivel Chair

Eero Saarinen - 1957

Tartera Rocking ChairTartera Rocking Chair

Tartera Rocking Chair

Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - 1966

Set of Four Lily Dining ChairsSet of Four Lily Dining Chairs

Set of Four Lily Dining Chairs

Arne Jacobsen / Fritz Hansen - 1960

Lounge Chair and Ottoman model P103Lounge Chair and Ottoman model P103

Lounge Chair and Ottoman model P103

Osvaldo Borsani / Tecno - c. 1960

Pair of Pine Upholstered ArmchairsPair of Pine Upholstered Armchairs

Pair of Pine Upholstered Armchairs

Joaquim Belsa Aldea / Aresta - 1961

Gaudi ChairGaudi Chair

Gaudi Chair

Vico Magistretti / Artemide - c. 1960

Carimate Table and Dining ChairsCarimate Table and Dining Chairs

Carimate Table and Dining Chairs

Vico Magistretti - 1959

Pozzi set of six chairsPozzi set of six chairs

Pozzi set of six chairs

Pozzi - c. 1970

Juego de seis sillas de caña y hierroJuego de seis sillas de caña y hierro

Juego de seis sillas de caña y hierro

At. Alejandro de la Sota - c. 1950

Wood and Leather ArmchairWood and Leather Armchair

Wood and Leather Armchair

At. Angel Pazmiño / Muebles de Estilo - c. 1970

Set of Three Pine ChairsSet of Three Pine Chairs

Set of Three Pine Chairs

Jordi Casablancas / Muebles Casablancas - C. 1960

Selene ChairSelene Chair

Selene Chair

Vico Magistretti / Artemide - 1968

Pair of Pine Upholstered ArmchairsPair of Pine Upholstered Armchairs

Pair of Pine Upholstered Armchairs

Joaquim Belsa Aldea / Aresta - 1961

Pair of Joker Lounge ChairsPair of Joker Lounge Chairs

Pair of Joker Lounge Chairs

Olivier Mourgue / Airborne - c. 1960

Pair of Aran Dining ChairsPair of Aran Dining Chairs

Pair of Aran Dining Chairs

Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - C. 1960

Pair of Diamond Lounge ChairsPair of Diamond Lounge Chairs

Pair of Diamond Lounge Chairs

Harry Bertoia - C. 1950

Curved Wooden Chair With Cane SeatCurved Wooden Chair With Cane Seat

Curved Wooden Chair With Cane Seat

Vicente García Miralles - c. 1960

Tuman Lounge ChairTuman Lounge Chair

Tuman Lounge Chair

Pep Bonet / BD Ediciones - 1968

Pair of Upholstered Oak ArmchairsPair of Upholstered Oak Armchairs

Pair of Upholstered Oak Armchairs

Jordi Casablancas / Mobles Casablancas - c. 1960

Modus Swivel ChairModus Swivel Chair

Modus Swivel Chair

Osvaldo Borsani / Tecno - c. 1970

Pair of Pine chairsPair of Pine chairs

Pair of Pine chairs

Jordi Casablancas / Muebles Casablancas - C. 1960

Tropical Lounge ChairsTropical Lounge Chairs

Tropical Lounge Chairs

Hermanos Vidal - 1960

Pair of Beech ChairsPair of Beech Chairs

Pair of Beech Chairs

Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - C. 1970

Set of Six Pine ChairsSet of Six Pine Chairs

Set of Six Pine Chairs

Joaquim Belsa / Aresta - c. 1970

Stools Mod. 60Stools Mod. 60

Stools Mod. 60

Alvar Aalto / BD Ediciones - c. 1980

NY Folding ChairNY Folding Chair

NY Folding Chair

Takeshi Nii - 1958

Set of Six Casala ChairsSet of Six Casala Chairs

Set of Six Casala Chairs

Karl Nothelfer / Casala - c. 1960

Dúplex StoolDúplex Stool

Dúplex Stool

Javier Mariscal / BD Ediciones - 1980

Pair of Walnut ArmchairsPair of Walnut Armchairs

Pair of Walnut Armchairs

Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - c. 1960

Upholstered Pedralbes ChairsUpholstered Pedralbes Chairs

Upholstered Pedralbes Chairs

Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - 1961

Spaghetti 101 Children's ChairSpaghetti 101 Children's Chair

Spaghetti 101 Children's Chair

Giandomenico Belotti / Alias - 1970

Benjamin StoolsBenjamin Stools

Benjamin Stools

Lisa Norinder / Ikea - C. 1990

Wood BenchWood Bench

Wood Bench

Jordi Vilanova i Bosch - C. 1960

Reno ChairReno Chair

Reno Chair

Federico Correa & Alfonso Milá / Gres - 1961

Pair of Pine ArmchairsPair of Pine Armchairs

Pair of Pine Armchairs

Joaquim Belsa Aldea / Aresta - C. 1960

White Upholstered Lounge ChairWhite Upholstered Lounge Chair

White Upholstered Lounge Chair

At. Pierre Guariche - C. 1960

Torres Clavé ArmchairTorres Clavé Armchair

Torres Clavé Armchair

Josep Torres Clavé - 1934

Toledo ChairToledo Chair

Toledo Chair

Jorge Pensi / Amat - 1986

Beech StoolBeech Stool

Beech Stool

C. 1960

Pair of Markelius ChairsPair of Markelius Chairs

Pair of Markelius Chairs

Sven Markelius - C. 1930

Set of Reno ChairsSet of Reno Chairs

Set of Reno Chairs

Federico Correa & Alfonso Milá / Gres - 1961

Pair of Pine chairsPair of Pine chairs

Pair of Pine chairs

Jordi Casablancas / Muebles Casablancas - C. 1960

Set of Six Aresta Dining ChairsSet of Six Aresta Dining Chairs

Set of Six Aresta Dining Chairs

Joaquim Belsa Aldea / Aresta - 1961

Pair of Santina Dining ChairsPair of Santina Dining Chairs

Pair of Santina Dining Chairs

Carlo Santi / MYC-Gavina - 1972