Pere Torrent (Barcelona, 1945), also known as Peret, is a graphic designer, illustrator, sculptor and photographer. He began his professional activity in the studio of Josep Pla-Narbona in the mid-sixties and between 1970 and 1976 he lived in Paris, where he worked for important advertising agencies such as Young & Rubicam doing designs and illustrations. In 1977 he settled definitively in Barcelona and in the 1980s and 1990s his work received notable international recognition, combining his activity in the areas of illustration and design with that of sculpture.
In his professional career Peret has carried out commissions for numerous important companies and institutions (La Vanguardia, Barcelona City Council, New York Times...), designing corporate identities and advertising illustrations and even rugs together with Nani Marquina and crockery for Bidasoa.
Despite not having the stylistic limitations of easily recognizable illustrators, there are certain elements in his work that frequently reappear, such as certain icons of popular culture passed through his critical sieve. He achieves direct and very impressive messages, where daily criticism is mixed with a universal message in each of his works.
His work as a graphic creator and as a sculptor has been exhibited in more than one hundred collective exhibitions and in 16 individual ones, having toured countries such as France, Mexico or Japan.

Caspolino Rug
Peret / AB2 Alfombras - 1988

Soviet's Rug
Peret / Nani Marquina - 1986