Tip Top Pendant LampTip Top Pendant Lamp

Tip Top Pendant Lamp

Jorgen Gamelgaard - c. 1960

Glass and Brass Coffee TableGlass and Brass Coffee Table

Glass and Brass Coffee Table

Miguel Milá / Gres - 1962

Iron and Wood Shelf SystemIron and Wood Shelf System

Iron and Wood Shelf System

Gregorio Vicente Cortés / H Muebles - 1962

Semi Pendant LampSemi Pendant Lamp

Semi Pendant Lamp

Claus Bonderup y Torsten Thorup / Fog & Morup - 1968

Square Glass and Brass Coffee TableSquare Glass and Brass Coffee Table

Square Glass and Brass Coffee Table

Miguel Milá / Gres - 1962

Pair of Pine ArmchairsPair of Pine Armchairs

Pair of Pine Armchairs

Joaquim Belsa Aldea / Aresta - C. 1960

Altar Ukola Dining TableAltar Ukola Dining Table

Altar Ukola Dining Table

Miguel Milá / Gres - 1964

FAD II Floor LampFAD II Floor Lamp

FAD II Floor Lamp

Miguel Milá / Gres - 1974

80.01 Ceiling Lamp80.01 Ceiling Lamp

80.01 Ceiling Lamp

Grup Bonamusa / Tramo - C. 1970

Hat Pendant LampHat Pendant Lamp

Hat Pendant Lamp

Joe Colombo / Stilnovo - c. 1960